Hire Dedicated Automated Tester

Make your unique ideas a reality with Matrixbrains Technologies PVT LTD, your go-to provider of superior Automation Testing services.

Full service QA testing agency

Achievement in Verbal Exchange

Our expertise as a company is delivering turnkey enterprise web and mobility solutions. We implement automated quality assurance methodology for enterprise projects to ensure streamlined quality assurance process and faster turnaround time. We have expertise in Selenium, Appium, IBM RFT and other automated QA testing frameworks.

Automation QA TestingSeleniumCypressAppiumRobot FrameworkProtractorTestCafe

Our Hiring Models

Hire Dedicated Automated Testers team at your flexibility.

See what we do


Full Time Monthly Hire

Hours Per Day




Part Time Monthly Hire

Hours Per Day




Hourly Hire


Flexible Maintenance Service
matrixbrains pvt ltd tons of benefits

Ton of benefits

  • Daily Reporting & Code Push
  • Version Control Implementation
  • Direct Communication
  • Project Management Tools
  • SCRUM Based Execution
100+ people trusting agency.

Why Businesses should Go for Automated Testers Services?

Understanding the scope for automation.

We start our testing project by understanding the requirements of our clients. The initial step is to determine the scope of automation in your project.

Selecting test cases for automation.

It's not possible to automate every test case. Newly designed test cases or test cases with frequently changing requirements may not be suitable for automation. We decide on the test cases with our expertise to help you achieve better ROI.

Selection of automation tools.

After establishing the scope for your automated testing requirements, we choose the ideal tool according to your requirements. We compare your test case requirements with functionalities of different components in the Selenium’s suite of tools. As a result, you can be sure of proper tooling for your automated testing needs.

Framework design and integration.

Framework is an essential requirement for developing automated tests better. The framework helps in optimizing test development through code reuse. We help you leverage the most suitable framework that integrates effectively with any development lifecycle.

Our Automation Testing Talent

Engage automation testers for the testing of your websites, mobile applications, web apps, and software.

Our best in class Automated Selenium testers have proven experience in quality assuring enterprise products which includes combination of web platform, mobile platform as well as Desktop application.

Hire automated testers from Matrixbrains to implement enterprise projects using Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI-CD) methodology. CI-CD is the smartest work methodology required for executing enterprise projects. Automated testing is an integral part of CI/CD methodology as it allows you to test more frequently without additional overhead or any manual work. Priority of Automated testing is always to detect bugs as soon as possible, almost in near real time, so it can be addressed and corrected right away.

Win & Wow With Our Expertise

Hire Automation Testers To Test Robust Enterprise Platform

  • Enterprise Process Automation
  • Resource Utilization
  • Mobile Test Automation
  • Web App Automation Testing Services
  • Automation Tools & Frameworks
  • Web Test Automation
  • Software Testing Automation
  • Testing Quality
  • Multi-Platform Testing
  • Reduced Regression Cost
  • Hybrid Test Automation Framework

The Process We Follow

From requirement analysis to flawless release.


Understanding your project needs to pinpoint the scope and key quality criteria.


Mapping out a comprehensive testing strategy and allocating necessary resources.


Summarizing results with insightful data and presenting them to stakeholders.


Running test scenarios to identify bugs, log defects, and ensure functionality.


Archiving test artefacts and using feedback loops for continuous improvement.

Why Choose Matrixbrains Technologies for Automation Testing Services?

Agile Development Methodology
Cost-Effective Solutions
On-Time Delivery
Dedicated Project Manager
Transparent Communication
Performance Optimization
Customized Solutions
Innovative Solutions
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Matrixbrains pvt ltd works together one circle